Blog: Civil Litigation

Defamation in BC Webinar with Dan Coles

On March 29, 2022, Dan Coles will be presenting a free webinar on Defamation in BC through Peoples Law School.

When someone posts a hurtful comment about another person online, is this defamation? If it happens to you, what are your rights and how do you protect them? And what happens if you’re the one accused of defamation? Can you be made to pay money or sent to jail? Dan will answer common questions about defamation, including what it is and what you can do about it.

Peoples Law School is a non-profit organization dedicated to making the…

The Limitation Period Suspension Ends on March 25, 2021

and Taahaa Patel, Articled Student

The provincial government has announced that suspended limitation periods, or deadlines by which a claimant must commence court proceedings, will resume running on March 25, 2021.


After the provincial government declared a state of emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it suspended the running of limitation periods, which require that a party take certain steps, such as filing a claim, before a particular deadline.

The Ministerial Orders

Initially, under the Emergency Program Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 111 (the “EPA”), the government issued two Ministerial Orders (the “Orders”):

On March 26, 2020, the government suspended…

Brian Cheng presents at Federation of Asian Canadian Lawyers event

On February 20, 2020, Brian Cheng presented at the Mentorship Roundtable event hosted by the Federation of Asian Canadian Lawyers (FACL) at the Vancouver office of McCarthy Tétrault.

Brian was a co-panelist with the retired Mr. Justice Randall Wong and lawyer Chilwin Cheng of Ascendion Law, and they presented about their individual experiences as Asian lawyers in the practice of civil litigation.

The event was well attended by law students, articling students, and lawyers.

As a member of Owen Bird’s Diversity, Inclusion, and Community Involvement Committee, Brian is committed to encouraging the legal profession to reflect all of the communities that…